C++ Constructors

日月星辰 发布在Programming

default constructor




class SimpleClass {
     SimpleClass() = default;
     SimpleClass(double value);


class SimpleClass {
     SimpleClass() = delete;


class SimpleClass {
     SimpleClass(double val);
    void setValue(double val) {
        mValue = val;
    double mValue;

// 方法1
SimpleClass::SimpleClass(double val) {

// 方法2,使用constructor initializer
SimpleClass::SimpleClass(double val): mValue(val)

When C++ creates an object, it must create all the date members of the object before calling the constructor.
As part of creating these data members, it must call a constructor on any of them that are themselves objects. By the time you assign a value to an object inside you constructor body, you are not actually constructing that object.
You are only modifying its value.
A ctor-initializer allows you to provide initial values for data members as they are created, which is more efficient than assigning values to them later.

Several data types must be initialized in a ctor-initializer or with an in-class initializer

class Foo
        Foo(double value);
        double mValue;
Foo::Foo(double value) : mValue(value)
    cout << "Foo::mValue = " << mValue << endl;
class MyClass
        MyClass(double value);
        double mValue; // 注意顺序
        Foo mFoo;  // 注意顺序

MyClass::MyClass(double value) : mValue(value), mFoo(mValue)
    cout << "MyCalss::mValue = " << mValue << endl;
// 初始化对象
MyClass instance(1.2);
// Out put
Foo::mValue = 1.2
MyClass::mValue = 1.2

// 调整下 mValue 和 mFoo的顺序
// Out put
Foo::mValue = -9.25596e+61
MyClass::mValue = 1.2

The data members are initialized in the order they appear in the definition of the class, not the order in the ctor-initializer!

Copy Constructor

It allows you to create an object that is an exact copy of another object.
If you donnot write a copy constructor, C++ generates one for you.

When the Copy Constructor Is Called

The default semantics for passing arguments to functions in C++ is pass-by-value.

For performance reasons, it is best to pass objects by const reference instead of value.

可以显示 指定或删除copy constructor.

SimpleClass(const SimpleClass& src) = default;
// or
SimpleClass(const SimpleClass& src) = delete;

Initializer-list Constructors

An initializer-list constructor is a constructor with an std::initializer_list<T> as first parameter, without any additional parameters or with additional parameters having default values.

You need to include the <initializer_list> header.

class EvenSequence
        EvenSequence(initializer_list<double> args)
            if (args.size() % 2 != 0) {
                throw invalid_argument("initializer_list should contain even number of elements.");
        vector<double> mSequence;
// Example
EvenSequence p1 = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0};

The Standard Library has full support for initializer-list constructors. For example:

// with initializer-list constructors
std::vector<std::string> v = {"string 1", "string 2", "string 3"};

// without initializer-list constructors
std::vector<std::string> v;
v.push_back("string 1");
v.push_back("string 2");
v.push_back("string 3");

Delegating Constructor

Delegating constructors allow constructors to call another constructor from the same class.

Make sure you avoid constructor recursion while using delegate constructor.

class MyClass
    MyClass(char c) : MyClass(1.2) { }
    MyClass(double d) : MyClass('m') { }

Move Constructor